Saturday, February 5, 2011

Where do I go from here?

This really isn't a blog for people to read and enjoy.  These are actually letters that I write to God (even though I don't address Him.)  This is more of a journal of my heart crying out to Him when I don't feel like I can speak to Him directly because I am such a wretched sinner.  

It has been one of the hardest weeks.  I have had a part time job that enabled me to stay home with my kids...and I was able to take my kids with me when I needed.  But my boss said that I could no longer bring them (and I needed to find childcare for them the next week.)  So I had to quit my job.  Well, financially speaking, we are in terrible shape and really needed that extra income.  By nature, I am a type A personality always in control, a planner and a fixer who can take care of anything that comes my way.  At this point, I know I can't take care of everything on my own.  I am expecting another baby in 3 months so I won't be able to find another job.  We were really hoping to save over the next three months for the summer...and then I would start my part time work again.  We also have to find another place to live in an area that is known for a high cost of, the market has not caught up here.  To top it off, my four year old has to have dental surgery...our cost is $958 after the dental insurance pays their portion which is due in two weeks.

Needless to say, I am in panic mode!  I thought for sure that everything was going to work out all right.  I had made plans for everything to be perfect.  Well, life is what happens when you make plans!  I am sure that God is testing me, refining me to make me a better person.  He also wants me to surrender and rely on Him.  But here is the thing: I have a really hard time relying on anyone.  My early years were terrible, and I pretty much had to take care of myself.  I didn't know the Lord until I was 21 years old.  Even though I came into a personal relationship with Him, I continued to do everything on my own and in my timing, never waiting or listening to Him.  Naturally, this is a very difficult situation for me.  I know that I need to completely trust in Jesus to take care of our family.  I know that he will supply all of our needs.  But I still have that natural instinct to take control. 

My pastor is currently preaching through the book of James.  I can't believe the timing and how it fits right into my own life at this very moment.  Every pore of my being desperately desires to "count it all joy when I meet trials of various kinds."  Oh, but how difficult it is.  Counting my blessings is the only way that I have found that I can actually have joy. 

God has truly blessed me in that I am able to be at home with these three little girls.  What an amazing opportunity that I have been given...oh how I long to disciple them and train them to love and obey God from the beginning rather than suffering years of heartache from disobedience.  I pray that I can stand up to the testing.  The refining fire hurts for the moment but will polish up my impurities once I have persevered through it. 

My most difficult task at hand is not allowing myself to sink into self-pity.  I struggle with depression and have for many years...and it would be so easy to revert to that deep, dark, and lonely place.  Then I allow anger and bitterness to control my life.  It is a cycle that I certainly don't want to spin on anytime soon.  So, I will keep myself in the Word and on my knees in prayer.  Closeness with God keeps the devil from getting too close...but it is a challenge for me to trust Him.  Did I mention that I have serious trust issues?  In my heart I also know that He wants so much more for me than to be tossed around like a rag doll.  But I have to be willing to give up that little tiny thing called control. 

So where do I go from here?

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard when we KNOW that we are to trust God but to actually follow through with it is an entirely different thing! God does have a purpose and a plan for you and perhaps right now what He desires most is for you to REST in Him and to "Be Still and KNOW that I am God." I went through this the whole year of 2010 - do I work? do I not? do I do this or that? and over and over God took away things that were taking my focus off of HIM! He will provide for your every need in HIS time and in HIS way! Praying for you girl - hang in there!
