Sunday, October 24, 2010

I've had a difficult weekend.  I canceled going to a retreat because I didn't want to deal with a few women that have hurt my feelings in the past.  I prayed about it and really felt that it just wasn't the right time to confront those issues.  I also didn't want to interact with another woman that has just completely and totally betrayed another friend of mine.  I have a tendency to speak first and then think about what I said.  So I stayed home and had a fairly relaxing weekend...except that I had insomnia and am so sick from this fourth pregnancy.  The insomnia just isn't helping matters.  Life is so "up in the air" right now for our family.  I don't know where we are going to be living when this baby is born at the first of May.  We are seriously considering moving to a whole different city.  Living in SW Colorado is seriously expensive, and the jobs do not pay very well unfortunately.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well, this is my very first attempt at a blog.  I thought long and hard about it and decided it might be helpful for me to express feelings in writing.  I certainly hope that I don't offend anyone that I may reference on this blog (not my intention at all.)  I just need a way to journal some of my thoughts and possibly receive feedback.  We'll see how it goes.