Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Decisions that need to be made...

Well today's blog is basically prayer in written form.  God knows my need before I even ask.  I am currently trying to decide what to do about my part-time job.  I work for a school district driving special needs kids.  And I really do enjoy it and the kids are so very precious.  However, the boss has me driving all kinds of different routes this week.  He did this to me last year and it drove me absolutely nuts.  Now he is starting it again.  He told my coworker that he would "work on me" to get me to do what he needed.  So I am a little frustrated that he is manipulating me. 

I have the option of going to work part-time or even full-time as a shuttle driver for the casino.  It really isn't a bad job and the boss there really loves me.  I know that the full-time position isn't an option because I need to be home to care for my kiddos and continue homeschooling.  The schedule is much better and the benefits are great.  That is something to really consider when I am expecting a baby and don't want to have to go on state funded medical. 

I am so confused about what to do.  I am not sure where the Lord is leading me.  I'm not afraid to work...I just really need a flexible schedule so that I can be home with my children.  Once we get through this season of financial crisis (which the Lord has so graciously provided for us over the years) we can possibly move forward onto something else. 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.