Saturday, February 12, 2011


Yes, I am up at 3am and cannot fall back to sleep.  This is becoming a regular habit of mine.  Maybe it is God's way of preparing me for 3am feedings when our little guy arrives.  I just wish I could sleep now and store up enough rest to be able to make it through those first few months of newborn life!

I am feeling much better about trusting God to direct our lives.  When I wrote my last post, I was absolutely terrified of what the future held.  But as the week has progressed, I have felt more and more confident that we can make it on one income.  God's peace fills my heart today and I am encouraged.

I marvel at His goodness and mercy and grace.  It really helped soothe my soul to be able to encourage a friend who is struggling in her marriage.  I always love to give wonderful marriage advise.  But I also hate it...because I know that I should be following that advice in my own marriage.  So with the help of the Holy Spirit, I can start over again today.  I can be the wife and mother that He has called me to be.  I can stop being a worry-wart.  I can put my trust in Him and know that He will continue His work in my life.

I'm hearing strange noises throughout the house...those things that go bump in the night.  Well, we do live way out in the country and the mice are terrible!  But it still freaks me out a little...

1 comment:

  1. Aren't you so greatful that His mercies are "New Every Morning"? What a treat to know we can trust our Blessed Savior and know that He is a God of Second (third, fourth, fifth) chances! I know that God has GRAND things in store for the Huber family - keep trusting and walking!
