Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Will Praise Him

What an incredible week it has been.  In preparation for this new life growing in my womb, friends celebrated and honored me with a wonderful baby shower.  It was so much fun...I had invited a cousin who couldn't attend because they were leaving for a long road trip.  Joy and happiness filled the air of our home on Monday night.  Then I got the phone call on Tuesday.  Sadness and tears filled the day...along with the rest of the week.  The worst part was not being able to be close to my cousin and her hurting heart.  They were involved in a car accident in the middle of Texas (so very far away from family and friends) that killed her oldest daughter and left her with some severe injuries.

It has been a difficult week...and I have tried really hard not to talk about it with anyone.  It's not that I don't want to share my grief and sorrow.  It's actually just so overwhelming when I think about what could have happened.  They all could have been killed.  It could have been so much worse. 

However, I am still praising God.  So many people want to blame God because He could have prevented the accident.  But I just can't do that.  I am hurting for this precious family and the heartache that will continue for a lifetime.  But I still can't blame God.  Yes, He is sovereign and in control of everything.  But I can't stop thinking about how He is going to glorify Himself through this awful tragedy.  I am praying for things that people cannot even begin to fathom.  I am praying for redemption of souls...souls that may end up in the pit of hell for eternity.  But if God can use this to bring people out of the pit of sin and darkness, then we could see the glory of God. 

May God's will be done.  He will be glorified.  Most people don't want to hear these things at a time like this.  So I just choke back the tears and say, "I am so sorry."

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I didn't realize you were related to Deanna - so sorry...It's been a rough few days at our home as well - Hannah played volleyball and basketball with Shaniah and really loved her. I agree - most people don't want to look o see what God will do but I KNOW that I KNOW He can and will be glorified through this!

    Read my blog from Tuesday night about how Hannah was able to pray with her friends - such a challenge to me because I have to ask "would I have reacted the same?" Also, MANY of the students are realizing that life is short and they are asking of our youth was literally walking around with his Bible at school on Wednesday sharing his testimony to any who would listen - and listen they did!

    We will pray for you and your family...Love ya!
